Learn about
how we work.


 I am delighted that you have chosen to place your trust in World of Luxury Travel to plan your next adventure.

I will do my utmost to create and deliver the perfect trip for you and realize that planning a vacation is a journey in its own right. Before we start down the path to your ideal trip, it is important that you understand exactly how the process works. I want our relationship to be a long and happy one, so it’s vital that everything is clear and transparent from the beginning. You can view an easy step-by-step outline of the process below. At any point, if you have any questions or concerns as we create your itinerary, please do not hesitate to let me know.


We will start our discussion by determining exactly what type of vacation you have in mind. An exotic and romantic beach getaway? Wine tasting throughout Europe? Active adventure travel? A multigenerational gathering? Destination wedding? This is where you will share your ultimate travel goals, dreams and desires.


Once you decide to engage in my services, I will gather necessary personal information as well as your individual travel preferences to complete your travel profile for this and future trips.


Now, for the fun part! I will build your initial itinerary and share it with you for comments, questions, concerns and, ultimately, approval. Based on your feedback, I make adjustments as needed. During this phase, we work together to ensure the itinerary is just as you desire, all while juggling availability, logistics and pricing.


Once your dream itinerary is complete, we will go over the terms and conditions of your trip and collect a deposit. Congratulations, your itinerary is officially confirmed!


After final payment is collected, I begin processing your personalized travel documents, where applicable. This typically is a folio of all of your confirmations and contact information delivered as either a hard copy or electronic copy, depending on the complexity of your trip.


Bon voyage, the time has come! I am available should you need me during your travels, and I will connect upon your return to hear about your favorite parts - and discuss your next dream getaway!

Pricing & Payments

The way in which I confirm your reservation will vary. For example, if you book a fully custom tour, I will work with one of my valued partners in the country where you will be traveling to. Those services will be all-inclusive and pre-paid, often in the local currency of the destination. However, if you secure air and hotel for a quick getaway, a credit card is given to the hotel to hold the space and charge at check out. I will always go over these details before confirming the space. Below are a couple of notes regarding custom itineraries:


Commitment Deposit

If you are confirming a trip that includes four or more hotels or multiple countries, a commitment deposit will be charged based on the length of the trip. This deposit starts at $195 and is non-refundable.

Packaged Trips

When working with a partner supplier, trip costs include everything from hotels to transfers to guides to excursions and even taxes and local fees, and cannot be broken down or itemized.

Trip Pricing

Itineraries may be priced in USD (U.S. Dollar) or in the currency of the country you are traveling to and are determined on a trip-by-trip basis. In the event of dramatic currency fluctuation, World of Luxury Travel and the suppliers involved, reserve the right to re-price trips after they have initially been priced but before the final payment is received.

Payment Details

The payment schedule for custom trips varies by trip, but will typically include a deposit at confirmation, with final payment due at 45-60 days prior to departure. Payments can be made by personal check or credit card (Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover). On rare occasions, some suppliers may ask for a wire transfer. All initial deposits will be applied to your final payment. If the final payment is not received on or before the final payment date, suppliers reserve the right to release your reservation, assuming that you have canceled your trip. In this instance, standard cancellation fees will apply. However, I will make every attempt to contact you prior to this happening.

Terms & Conditions

Terms and Conditions will be provided with your initial proposal and in your confirmations. For general terms of service, click here.